Thursday, May 31, 2007


Ugh, condo stress is unending. So I have decided to tune it all out and just get to the fun part: decorating!!!

First, paint colors. Woe is me. Picking paint colors is SO HARD. What if I end up in a room that is so bright I have to squint while I'm watching Rachael Ray? What if my bedroom color doesn't match my suede headboard? Ugh. The potential missteps surround me like landmines.

Furniture is more fun, because I can spend hours on the Metro looking at the Pottery Barn, Pier 1 and Restoration Hardware catalogs.

Here are some other things I'm salivating over:

How awesome is this chandelier: It looks like candles, but there are actually lightbulbs inside! I'm loving it for over my counter.

For the bathroom, I need a cabinet, and I have my eye on these three. Thoughts?


At June 1, 2007 at 11:38 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I love the first one. It is warm-toned and hides your mess (not that you're messy, but you have the freedom to be with cabinet doors). The last one is great if you plan to neatly stack color-coordinated towels in that place. I of course am a huge disaster under my bathroom sink so this would not be a good option and why I would consider thinking twice about this (now you're going to have to sneak a peek next time you come over). The second one is nice, if you want a whiter, lighter look in the bathroom.

I intend to be your most prolific commenter on this blog. Am I winning yet?

At June 1, 2007 at 12:42 PM , Blogger campbell said...

One of the many reasons I love you, Taylor: your opinions. And I hope you are the most prolific commenter -- you can make all my decisions for me! whooooooo

At June 1, 2007 at 7:52 PM , Blogger Sarah G said...

Talk about totally different styles with those vanities! :) I like all of them for their own reasons, but I LOVE zen/spa/asian inspired bathrooms, and to me that means I like the first one best. Taylor's right about the "freedom to be messy" with the doors. Aside from that I think that with the curved front it's a little more unique than every other bathroom you see, which is also nice.

Are you sure you're allowed to make these types of decisions without running them past the condo board? ;)

At June 1, 2007 at 9:38 PM , Blogger scterri said...

oh home improvement, how i love thee.

paint colors: most major paint suppliers will give you (or let you purchase for a tiny fee) small canisters of paint to test out colors. i HIGHLY recommend this because no matter where you see a sample of your color, it will ALWAYS look different when in your room with your lighting, natural or otherwise.

chandelier: that one is gorgeous. buy it. NOW.

vanities: while those three are all great choices, they are different styles so it depends what type of look you are going for. my personal favorite is the third - clean lines, nice shape, and the lack of cabinets underneath will actually make your bathroom look much bigger than it is. and instead of stacking towels underneath, you could place some canvas, wicker, or stainless storage containers to hide your stuff.

suede headboard: i really couldn't be more jealous.


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