Thursday, July 12, 2007

Perez Hilton meets Flip This House

Renovation on my place started yesterday, so I was there today to see the progress and sign for the appliances. I took some pictures and then had some fun with MS Paint.

Here's my kitchen, sans appliances and cabinets.

And here it is with a little help from the MS Paint interior designer, Dr. Rothchild, complete with ceramic tiles on the floor, "clean steel" appliances and cabinets.

(BTW, here's all those old cabinets in the back of my contractor's trailer:

Here's the view of the apartment from the kitchen. (There used to be a wall there.)

And here's the granite countertop and pendant lights (like my color choice?) that are soon to come.

Here's the living room, which is actually the kitchen (for now), as it is filled with the appliances and an old tub.

The bathroom, as you can see, requires some work:

But here's the MS Paint version, to give you a better idea. (Thank your lucky stars I'm not REALLY P. Hilton, or I would have drawn a little present in that potty.)

Oh, and I saved the best for last: my rat. Yes, I have a rat. Or, had rats. At one time. My contractor found two medium-size ones, a baby one, and this one (another baby). All dead from lack of food, and while I mourn their loss, let me just say that there is NO WAY IN FUCKING HELL I am living with rats. NO. No no NO. My contractor assures me the new drywall and patches will keep them out, but as you can imagine, I'm still having little spasms and frantic shaking episodes when I think about it. How quaint that I have rats, though. At least I know I'm moving up in the world. First a mouse, now a rat. Maybe my next house will have a possum under the sink.

So, without further ado, meet my rat:

Can't see it? Here's a closer look:

So as you can see, I'm very close. I just need a big WELCOME mat that says, "Except you, nasty rats."


At July 12, 2007 at 4:21 PM , Blogger Sarah G said...

LOVE the MS Paint work!

How excited are you?! And how jealous am I? I keep walking around our new apartment and thinking "if we owned, I would change this..." and then "well, I wonder if I could at least do this..."

At July 13, 2007 at 2:30 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

It's beautiful - the rat, the tub in the living room, all of it! I'd come over to drink a glass of wine in that place!

Seriously though... it's going to be a totally new place by the time you're done with renovations, wow, can't wait to see it.


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