Thursday, May 31, 2007


Ugh, condo stress is unending. So I have decided to tune it all out and just get to the fun part: decorating!!!

First, paint colors. Woe is me. Picking paint colors is SO HARD. What if I end up in a room that is so bright I have to squint while I'm watching Rachael Ray? What if my bedroom color doesn't match my suede headboard? Ugh. The potential missteps surround me like landmines.

Furniture is more fun, because I can spend hours on the Metro looking at the Pottery Barn, Pier 1 and Restoration Hardware catalogs.

Here are some other things I'm salivating over:

How awesome is this chandelier: It looks like candles, but there are actually lightbulbs inside! I'm loving it for over my counter.

For the bathroom, I need a cabinet, and I have my eye on these three. Thoughts?

Friday, May 25, 2007

scratch that, it was more like a volcano

It's been a lively two days in condoland, blog buddies. The long and short of it: My condo almost slipped through my grasp. The horror, the horror.

As you may recall from Co-op Wars: Episode 1, I am required to interview with the co-op board so they can judge me and condescend to me and make sure I am fit to live among them. Well, as we approach my settlement date NEXT THURSDAY, I have been hounding people, trying to get this interview scheduled and done so I can focus on more important things, like picking paint colors and egging their cars.

So I finally get the secretary on the phone on Wednesday, and she patches me over to the general manager, who, during the three times I have spoken with him, HAS NEVER FAILED TO PERSONALLY OFFEND ME. So you can imagine how excited I am to be having this conversation. Cue sour look on my face. Just as I start talking, he speaks:

"So I'm looking at your income, and I'm wondering, are there some pages missing? How are you planning to afford this?"

I grit my teeth and explain to him that I have a secondary income that I'll be using, and I don't anticipate a problem at all.

"Oh. Well, where will the condo fees be coming from? Your mother as well, I assume?"

No, asshole, I think I can manage an extra few hundred. But thanks for your support.

"Well, we're going to need another page explaining all of this, and then we can get you set up for an interview."

OK, well, I'm closing next Thursday, and I need that interview before then, and is that going to be a problem?

"You're closing on Thursday? Well, we will try as hard as we can, but the real estate agent should never have scheduled a closing before speaking to the cooperative." And he said "cooperative" in the snootiest voice possible, like he was trying to make it sound French and British and Vanderbilt at the same time.

Well, I had these papers in at least two weeks ago, and thought I would have gotten a call by then to schedule something, which is why I have been badgering the secretary all week.

"Well, we'll try our best." Click.

Two days -- and RIDICULOUS amounts of stress and screaming later -- I have e-mailed my banker at least 10 times and refigured my payments so everyone is convinced I can make the payments.

And all so I can spend the next three years trying my very best to avoid this man in the hallways.

Is it worth it? I hope so.

It's pretty much over now, and the closing is still on, and I am relieved. But it's funny how my bank, to whom I will owe DOUBLE the amount of the stupid cooperative fees every month, is not making me want to tear my hair out. They seem convinced I won't decide to go all '50s housewife and abandon everything to live in a commune. So what the hell is the matter with these people?

I have a theory: This building is older, and the residents are settled, and the chance for the "general manager" and "vice president of membership" to invoke their powers of authority only comes along every couple of months, at most. So they jump at the chance to stress someone out. The younger, the better, because I don't have the confidence to say, "You know what? You're being a huge dick right now, and it's so unnecessary. It's a waste of time, energy and resources." (Think of all the trees I wasted, printing out new fax cover sheets every few hours!)

"So can we just agree that your balls are bigger than mine, you can piss farther than me, etc, etc, etc. I'm just done with the hassle."

This place better be worth it.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A geyser is about to erupt

I know I've been rather silent on the topic of my condo, blog buddies, but tune in tonight for the most suspenseful episode yet. (No, that's Desperate Housewives. Speaking of, who else thinks they really should kill off Edie? Well, topic for another day.) Horror and hilarity will ensue, so get excited...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

smile! you're on condo camera

Sorry for the lack of updates — there just really isn't much going on in condo world. I'm waiting for a call back from my condo board to set up an interview. Fingers crossed that they like me!

My mom came in town this weekend, and we stopped by my future place to take some pictures. I'm getting a little nervous. So much work to do! Here are the shots we took, and I'll give you a sense of the renovations we have in mind.

The living room: There's not much to do in here, except for paint (and install a big screen LCD TV ... hint, hint, parents/family). I decided my colors need to be in the brown/red/gold family, since the countertops are sand granite and the headboard of my bed is a sage green suede. Suggestions, anyone? (And please excuse the hideous furnishings in these pictures. The current tenant is a guy.)

The bedroom: We can't really figure out what the owner was thinking when she went with this red. I'm all about intense colors too, but this red is just a little ... shocking. Picking paint colors is definitely not my strong suit, though, so again I ask ... suggestions, anyone?

The bathroom: Ugh. I hate the bathroom. First order of business is installing a sink with a cabinet, since the current sink has no storage whatsoever. I'd like to put in one of those where the shelf travels across the wall, above the commode. I also need to replace the medicine cabinet, since the one right now is very plain.

I'm also installing a sliding glass shower door, since I'm not a big fan of shower curtains. The problem with that, though, is that people will then have to look at that HORRIBLE grey-and-white tile. Gross. Just gross. I'm trying to convince my mom that ceramic tile is an absolute must, but she's not really budging. I might need to start some kind of charitable fund. Because that tile is a threat to beauty.

The kitchen: Right now the kitchen is a very narrow galley kitchen that is immediately on your left when you walk in the front door. We want to extend the back wall of the kitchen (from the refrigerator) into an L-shape, making a breakfast bar. The main problem with this will be space. There's only about four feet from the door to the kitchen, so we'll have to squeeze!